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Saint-Malo, Centre Patrick Varangot

The "Ty Al Levenez" association (which stands for "house of goodwill" in breton) was established in october 1955 by its founder, father Patrick Varangot. It's a non-profit organisation (bill of 1901), and is recognised as a public utility (JO 01/08/1967);
Its original mission was to welcome the displaced rural youth arriving principally in the district of saint-malo. The association provides them a place to sleep and meals at competitive rates. It guides them during the first few years of their professional lives, whilst living in a positive setting and tolerant spirit.

Conscientous and always ready to respond to the needs of young people, the association established this "mix" in order to develop a tourist sector, accessible to everyone.
Currently, the association combines different establishments :
- The youth lodging point, filled with guidance for young people in different types of lodging (finding a place in town, a room, foyer...)
-The Patrick Varangot centre, comprising all on the same site : the community home, the international meeting center "ethic etapes" (for welcoming groups) and the youth hostel. All together comprising 327 beds.
- The community home "Marie La Chambre", entirely renovated and comprising 80 beds
- the community home of Dol De bretagne, the most recently renovated comprising of 12 beds in the heart of down town.
In addition, the association manages more than 400 beds and provides on site meals for the benefits of everyone.
It employs around forty people and it continues to develop in its many venues the facilitation of this social and cultural "mix" in the image and the spirit of its founder.
We hope that this site, being as detailed as possible, will permit you to better understand our association.

The president

Centre Patrick Varangot : Tél. 02 99 40 29 80 - Fax : 02 99 40 29 02 - E-mail : info@centrevarangot.com